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Dr. Kapur’s Crowns And Canals Dental

Pain Free Root Canal Treatment

Teeth with infected pulp may be painful, sensitive to hot, cold, or biting, or they may not have any symptoms at all but are discovered with routine intra-oral x-rays. Our highly experienced root canal specialist Dr.Ruchir Kapur performs absolutely pain free root canals to help alleviate your tooth pain. At Dr.Kapur’s Crowns & Canals Dental, we ensure your root canal experience is as comfortable and as pain free as possible.


Making Smiles More Beautiful

Know More About Root Canal Treatment

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a treatment where the endodontist removes the pulp of your tooth, which is the soft tissue comprised of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue that extends from the crown of your tooth all the way down to the root in your jawbone. You may need a root canal if your pulp becomes infected, resulting in a toothache.

When is a root canal necessary?

Root canals are often necessary when you’re suffering from an infection deep in your tooth. It usually happens if you let an untreated cavity worsen or if you sustain trauma of some sort to your teeth, such as a crack or fracture. A root canal may also be necessary if you have:

  • Severe tooth sensitivity
  • Tender or swollen gum tissue
  • Pus or bleeding around your tooth

Without a root canal procedure, the infection could spread, cause you a great deal of pain and force your dentist to remove your tooth.

Before dentists started performing root canals, there wasn’t much that could be done to save your tooth if it became infected. Today, this simple procedure can effectively save your tooth from extraction, provided you seek treatment at the right time.

Follow Up

A root canal can be broken down into four steps. First, if your provider thinks you might need a root canal, they examine your tooth with an X-ray.

If your tooth decay is extensive, your provider administers local anesthesia to your affected tooth, makes an opening in the crown of your tooth and removes your damaged pulp. They then clean and disinfect the canals and pulp chamber of your tooth.

Your provider finishes the procedure by filling the opening with a special material (gutta-percha) and sealing it off to prevent more bacteria from entering your tooth in the future.

The opening will be closed and sealed with a temporary or sometimes even a “permanent” filling when there is sufficient tooth structure. With the internal blood supply of the tooth removed by the root canal therapy, the tooth is more prone to fracture as it is no longer moisturized by the pulp tissue.

A post and core may be needed to strengthen the tooth that is prepared to be protected with a crown. All of these details will be discussed with you before beginning your root canal treatment. Alternatives, including extraction, implant placement or partial dentures, will also be discussed if necessary.

If you suspect you need a root canal treatment, call us today on +91-9729900001/ 9811670777 or book an appointment online at any time.

Changing Lives One Smile At A Time!

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