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Dr. Kapur’s Crowns And Canals Dental

“I’m afraid of dentists.”
“Going to the dentists involves pain.”
“I’m a bad dental patient.”

If you’ve said or thought any of the statements above then you’re at the right place.

Going to the dentist can be daunting. You’re alert when treatment is being done on your body. That can be a source of anxiety for a lot of people. Don’t worry, you are not alone!

Here are a few tips from the expert dentists at Aspen Dental India to deal with dental anxiety:

1. ASK questions about what you want to be informed about.

Human beings fear the unknown. So, if you’re afraid about what’s going on then ask your DENTIST about it. And no, do not turn to the internet; because the only thing worse than no information is half information.

2. TRUST your dentist.

The expert you’re under knows what’s best for you. So, have faith in your doctor. It eases your mind and gives the dentist the opportunity to treat you in the best manner possible.

3. Get company with you.

If you’re someone who’s too afraid to do this alone then get a trusted friend/family member or colleague with you. It will help you calm down.

4. COMMUNICATE with your dentist.

Let us know your apprehensions and fears and what’s scaring you. We will do our best to put you at ease.


Take deep breaths and calm yourself. InIndia we strongly believe in practicing painless dentistry. You will be taken care of as per your needs.

6. Don’t be embarrassed.

Worried about your oral hygiene? Don’t. We’re here to help you exactly with that! Sit back and relax while we ensure you get the best.

7. FOLLOW the doctor’s instructions

This will ensure a smooth pre-op and post-op experience and negate the cause for anxiety!

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